Saturday, January 2, 2016

Terrifyingly beautiful

Disturbing art at its best? Well, at least a good contender is the Chinese duo, composed by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu.
Some images of the pieces I like the most below. 

Fallen Angel


Old Persons' Home

Teenager, Teenager

Spilling Out

If I Die

Remember Andres Serrano? His series 'The Morgue' is just breathtaking. I saw it at the Biennale in Venice years ago. More about him here.

The Morgue (Rat Poison Suicide II)

The Morgue (Death by Drowning II)

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Smash book

Smash book; recycling an old (text)book as a sort of artistic diary - similar to scrapbooking.

Currently on my (active) to-do list. Yes, I have many lists, I love them (another parenthesis: if you knew my MBTI - Myers Briggs Type Indicator - you might be able to know which one I am...see previous post) and I can't live without them. Love ticking off each such a huge satisfaction to *Get*Shit*Done*! (pardon my French).

However, I find this idea to be really fun...and therapeutic. See also the new trend of adult coloring books.

Great tips on how to get started from the pictures below, doing a question each day for two months. Then take it from there!

The source.

I simply adore living with as little stuff around the house as possible and I prefer a quite simple decor.  In my smash book, however, I can really go for packing stuff on each page with as much color, drawings, glitter and doodles as I can possibly manage.

Not to mention all the disturbing art I love. Need to dedicate a few pages to that as well. See many previous posts on that.
Now I need to get smash booking.

Monday, December 21, 2015


Do you love cats? Of course you do. Check these ingenious ideas!

Best source I could find

Three Watchers

If I had a big garden, I'd have stolen these as well. Who doesn't want a trio of menacing bronze sculptures in their backyard? 
Awesome thieves 

Lynn Chadwick, "Three Watchers"

Myers Briggs

What is your personality type, based on the Myers Briggs test? This is not some hocus pocus astrology bullcrap. This test has been developed by a mother-daughter team, based on the works of Jung. Do might just give you a lot of insight into who you are. And why you are. And others. And so on. People. Ugh.

Can you guess my personality type?

Qui c'รจ il test in italiano.
And here it is in English.

Playing God

I am all about disturbing art. Check out Chinese artist Cao Hui. He wants to play God. 
More right here

Skeleton Formal Wear

Absolutely gorgeous. Found randomly on an Asian site; not sure what language it is. 

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